
** co-first author, ^ corresponding author

1.     Lam AK^ & Dutzler R^. Mechanistic basis of ligand efficacy in the calcium-activated chloride channel TMEM16A. The EMBO Journal (2023) e115030

2.     Lam AK^, Rutz S & Dutzler R^. Inhibition mechanism of the chloride channel TMEM16A by the pore blocker 1PBC. Nature Communications 13, 2798 (2022)

3.     Lam AK^ & Dutzler R^. Mechanism of pore opening in the calcium-activated chloride channel TMEM16A. Nature Communications 12, 786 (2021)

4.     Lam AK^, Rheinberger J, Paulino C^ & Dutzler R^. Gating the pore of the calcium-activated chloride channel TMEM16A. Nature Communications 12, 785 (2021)

5.     Lam AK & Dutzler R. Calcium-dependent electrostatic control of anion access to the pore in the calcium-activated chloride channel TMEM16A. eLife 2018;7:e39122

6.     Deneka D**, Sawicka M**, Lam AK, Paulino C & Dutzler R. Structure of a volume-regulated anion channel of the LRRC8 family. Nature 2018 May 16.

7.     Paulino C, Kalienkova V, Lam AK, Neldner Y & Dutzler R. Activation mechanism of the calcium-activated chloride channel TMEM16A revealed by cryo-EM. Nature 552, 21-425 (21 December 2017)

8.     Paulino C, Neldner Y, Lam AK, Kalienkova V, Brunner JD, Schenk S & Dutzler R. Structural basis for anion conduction in the calcium-activated chloride channel TMEM16A. eLife. 2017 May 31;6. pii: e26232.

9.     Lim NK**, Lam AK** & Dutzler R. Independent activation of ion conduction pores in the double-barrelled calcium-activated chloride channel TMEM16A. J Gen Physiol. Nov 2016, Vol 148, No. 5

10.  Pitt S, Lam AK, Rietdorf K, Galione A & Sitsapesan R. TPC1 is a proton permeable endolysosomal channel that is activated by NAADP and cytosolic Ca2+. Sci. Signal., 20 May 2014; Vol. 7, Issue 326, p.ra46.

11.  Lam AK, Galione A, Lai FA & Zissimopoulos S. Hax-1 identified as a two-pore channel (TPC)-binding protein. FEBS Lett. 2013 Nov 29;587(23):3782-6.

12.  Lam AK & Galione A. The endoplasmic reticulum and junctional membrane during calcium signalling. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013 Nov;1833(11):2542-59.